Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Brew Bottled

My homemade brew has been fermenting for just over 2 weeks. It is now ready to bottle. I added a little sugar to get the carbonation. These bottles should be ready to drink in a few weeks...if they don't all explode!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Making Beer

I recently got a beer making kit, called Mr. Beer, to try my hand a making beer. I mixed up the water and corn solds and brought it to boil.

I added the malt and hops and boiled for a bit.

The hot wort solution goes into an cold water bath to quickly cool it.

The wort was poured into the fermintation keg where it will sit for about 2 weeks.

Blackberry the cat likes the smell of the new beer.

Hmmm, this smells yummy...

Oh boy...I feel dizzy...good...but so dizzy...

I think the cats are tired now...

I'll keep you all posted on the rest of the beer making story.