Thursday, July 19, 2007

Staying in Cali!

If you did not know, I was planning on moving out to Kansas with Sarah. A change in plans now has me staying here in California after all.

I will be at the same sewage lab job. Sarah, the cat and I will be living in the same apartment I had. She is currently in Houston working at Boeing/NASA. Her last day of work there is August 23rd, then we will drive out to Cali together. Road Trip!

So, my bachelor lifestyle is going extinct...and some new girls are moving in: Zoe the Cat and Sarah. Now what am I going to do with all my fishing stuff that's in the living room??


Zoe the Cat said...

You are going to move your fishing stuff to make room for my cat house and tower. Or else I will destroy all yuor fishing line and lures!!

Unknown said...

Hang your fishing stuff on the walls and call it "art!"

Anonymous said...

I have a nice place in my garage to keep your fishing stuff so I can use....I mean you can get to it whenever you want.