I was in the shower just now (TMI?) when I realized I have been married now for over 4 months. Wow, how the time flies. One minute I am in a tux watching Sarah walk down the aisle... then next I am in Maui...and now it's been over 120 days.
All my life I have been preparing for this horrible transition to married life. As a kid, I learned about marriage by watched the Honeymooners, I love Lucy, Married with Children, and the Cosby Show.
Like any relationship, we each have our roles. These roles can change, and they do constantly.
I have settled into my duties that comes with being a roommate, or in my case, married. Just like a roommate situation, you each have to do certain things to maintain the status quo. We each share many of the daily tasks like dishes and feeding the cats. Some tasks one of us hates, so the other person takes it upon themselves to do that task all the time. We each have started to find our own unique groove.
My "groove" involves certain tasks that I don't mind doing. I commonly find myself doing any fixing of things, moving heavy objects, trash, kitty litter, toilet cleaning, and for some reason, vacuuming. Sarah tends to do the laundry more often than me, cleans the kitchen, and the bathroom counters and mirrors. She also keeps things less cluttered than me. I like large piles of crap scattered throughout the house. She prefers things in their places. I think the piles are their places!
We haven't really talked about all of these jobs we perform independently. When one of us does not perform their usual duties, then the other just takes up the slack. Normally this is not done with much fuss, but we do have our days where I test Sarah's patience with a large pile of clothes on the floor or some other atrocity.
Either way, the things that need to be done get done, by one of us. Sometimes it's as simple as Sarah giving me a subtle hint like, "There is a lot of dirty laundry" or "The light bulb in the bathroom burned out."
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago