Saturday, October 04, 2008

Polyclonal Antibodies and Monty Python

I have been applying for jobs for the last month or more. I have submitted at least 40 applications to various companies and headhunters in the area. So, I was surprised when I got a call about a job. The place was Santa Cruz Biotech. I didn't remember applying there, but I took her word. The person on the other line wanted me to come for an interview. The next day, I dropped Sarah at school and went to the interview.

I drove through a industrial complex and found the building. An orange cat greeted me on my way in. I filled out some paperwork and waited. The interview was very casual and went well. I asked what the job was and she replied, "Purification and analysis of polyclonal antibodies...conjugation of peptides...siRNAs for mouse, goat, and human..." Uhmm, ok so why was I here again? I have no experience with biochemistry. The interviewer said that I would be trained and I did not need more experience than I already had. Good, since I find it hard to come by. I asked for a tour of the lab. It looked nicely familiar and the dress code was very casual, like the interview.

On the related subject, job hunting, I took the CBEST exam today. It is the nationwide exam for teaching. With a degree and the exam passed, I can substitute teach. To become a full-fledged teacher, I would have to spend one year in school to become California credentialed. I wanted the option of teaching so I would have another source of income, at least until a permanent job opens up.

Anyways, the point is that I took the 4 hour test today. It was not difficult. I would say freshman or sophomore in high school level. The test had three types of tests: Reading/Comprehension, Math, and essay questions.

One of the questions was about a monologue from Monty Python. Have you ever seen the Cheese Shop skit on You tube? [click on the video below to watch it (5 minutes long)]

Seriously, the question showed about 10 lines from it, then asked what I thought the customer would do after all this back and forth talk. The next question asked what I thought the purpose of this skit was. These were multiple choice questions, so no thought was actually needed, but it sure made me smile.

The exam took me three and a half hours and I believe I did well. I wont know for four weeks.

If I pass and become a substitute teacher, the first thing I will do is show the Cheese Shop skit and say this is all you need to learn today and then walk out.

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